Weights session and a run
Back to my own gym tonight and a 10 minute row (2,313m) followed by weights. Then a run on the treadmill. I could not believe how slow my pace was until it dawned on me that the machine was displaying miles. I gave up after one ~ 1.6km in about 8 minutes.
Hi Luke,
Thanks for the comment over at the Ultimate Olympian. Needless to say, I followed your link and had a nosey around your own blog - nice work!
I had a go at sea kayaking in South Africa a month before I went to Nottingham - http://ultimateolympian.blogspot.com/2005/03/sea-kayaking-in-south-africa.html
My Nottingham adventures are waffled about at length here - http://ultimateolympian.blogspot.com/2005_04_01_ultimateolympian_archive.html (probably makes more sense read from the bottom).
If you want me to put you on the mailing list for up-comming Olympic events, drop me a line and I will happily do so. I'm going to have to make another trip to Nottingham to finish the events at some stage, and could be in need of an expert crew-member for the pairs and fours!
All the best,
Posted by: John | March 14, 2006 01:27 PM
John, I thouroughly enjoyed reading about your exploits at HPP (actually I nearly choked on my coffee). In fact this is how I first came accross your blog when it was linked from here: http://www.ukriversguidebook.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11741
I am no expert at sprint paddling but would be happy to help with the K2 and K4 events if I can. Do keep me posted.
Posted by: Luke | March 15, 2006 10:10 AM