Windy Thames paddle
Against wind and tide a missed stroke is a backwards stroke.
That was what struck me on the weekly club paddle from Shadwell Basin to the Oxo Tower last night. We did not have anything like the 100+ mph storms experienced in Scotland and the north of England but it was blowing a good force 4 from the south west on an ebbing tide as we battled our way up river. Not having paddled for a few weeks, I was struggling to keep up and all I wanted was to stop for a breather but I could not afford to go backwards!
The exertion was rewarded though. The return paddle was almost effortless as the wind and the last of the ebb carried us swiftly 'home'. On the way we enjoyed the spectacular lighting currently adorning London Bridge which cast a beautiful blood red glow across the river under its span. Its one of the sights of London at the moment and I'll try and get a picture.
Update: Thanks to Andy Roberts for the use of his photo.